TRW ティーアールダブル HEIGHT REDUCER [MCTL136] Daytona 675 [D67LC] 09-11 Daytona 675 [H67] Street Triple 675 [D67LD] 08-12 Street Triple 675 [L67LR] Street Triple R 675 [D67LD] 09-12
商品概要Lowering:25mm詳細説明TRW Lucas Height ReducerWith ABETRW/Lucas height reducer kits:TRW/Lucas height reducer kits allow even the biggest sport and touring motorbikes to be lowered simply and inexpensively to a seat height suitable for less leggy riders.The lower strut linkage is modified using two triangles,two dog bones or a spacer made of special,coated steel. Which of these options is compatible depends on your particular motorcycle,but one feature is common to them all:despite the substantial lowering of the seat height by a full 30 mm,or up to 50 mm in some cases,the central suspension strut retains its full working length.The height reducer kit is made of high-strength stainless steel or CNC-milled aluminium.The type approval valid for Germany (TUV test certificate not necessary) and installation instructions are included. Made in Germany.注意点※注意:イラストはあくまで一例です。※注意:バイクによっては制限がある場合があります。※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。適合車種Daytona 675 [D67LC] 09-11 Daytona 675 [D67LC] 09-11 Daytona 675 [H67] Daytona 675 [H67] 年式: 12- Street Triple 675 [D67LD] 08-12 Street Triple 675 [D67LD] 08-12 Street Triple 675 [L67LR] Street Triple 675 [L67LR] 年式: 13- Street Triple R 675 [D67LD] 09-12 Street Triple R 675 [D67LD] 09-12 商品番号10026286