TRW ティーアールダブル BRAKE-LINE KIT [MCH889H2] CBR 600 FA [PC41]
詳細説明TRW Brake-Pipe KitWith ABETRW/Lucas brake lines/steel-braided lines. An intelligent solution - Made in Germany.The connections on the steel-braided line are twistable.The pressure point and therefore the overall braking performance are significantly improved.Type-approved brake lines are marked with the KBA (German Motor Transport Authority) code.Steel-braided brake lines are assembled as a complete set for each axleEvery line bears a registered,sequential number and the manufacture code.TRW/Lucas gives a long-term warranty on the materials and workmanship.The standard colour of the connections is titanium.A longer interval between brake fluid changes is possible.In the Documents are you will find installation instructions and the type approval in pdf format,enabling to view and/or to print.注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。適合車種CBR 600 FA [PC41] CBR 600 FA [PC41] 年式: 11- 備考: 【使用箇所】リア商品番号10045582