商品概要ABS:-バンジョー角度:180度認証:DOTクリアコート:カラー:ナチュラル仕上げ:ポリッシュ長さ:54U.S.A.製:素材:ステンレスモデル:E-Z ALIGNポジション:フロントサイズ:7/16専用設計:スタイル:カスタムパーツタイプ:ブレーキラインキットABS:NoBANJO ANGLE:180CERTIFICATION:DOTCLEAR-COATED:YesCOLOR:NaturalFINISH:PolishedLENGTH:54MADE IN THE U.S.A.:YesMATERIAL:Stainless SteelMODEL:E-Z AlignPOSITION:FrontSIZE:7/16SPECIFIC APPLICATION:YesSTYLE:Custom ReplacementTYPE:Brake Line Kit詳細説明・E-Z Align rotating caliper banjo feature for perfect no-kink fitments・Choice of 35, 90 or 180 upper brake line banjo angles・Brake lines are available with either a 7/16 or 10mm master cylinder banjo fitting・All fittings are polished and chrome or black chrome plated・The Industry’s highest quality braid available in three color choices to complement your bike:Sterling Chromite? II, Black Pearl and Polished Stainless, the brightest stainless braid on the market・Braid color and weave match on all Magnum control cables and brake lines・Crystal-clear outer jacket offers exceptional protection against scuffing paint or chrome and will never discolor・Inner PTFE tubing braided with Kevlar? reinforcement provides the ultimate in high performance by greatly reducing line expansion・Exceeds all DOT FMVSS-106 Specifications・Made in the U.S.A.注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。商品番号56454SW